Attorney Profile 律師簡介

Principal attorney Jason W. Chou is a first-generation immigrant from Taiwan. He obtained his Bachelor of Arts in Business Economics from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and Doctor of Jurisprudence from the University of Oregon School of Law.
Upon graduation, Mr. Chou joined a law firm in San Francisco and started honing his legal skills in various practice areas that are most relevant to immigrants, including immigration, business and bankruptcy laws. In 2004, after accumulating extensive experience in these fields, Mr. Chou founded the Law Offices of Jason W. Chou to focus on the practice of business immigration law.
Mr. Chou's clients include multinational corporations, educational institutions and professionals in various fields. The types of cases he regularly handles include nonimmigrant petitions, such as H-1B (specialty occupation professionals), L-1A/B (multinational managers/executives and specialized knowledge workers), E-1/2 (treaty traders/investors), O-1 (workers of extraordinary ability) and TN (Canadian professionals), and immigrant petitions based on labor certification, extraordinary ability and substantial investment. In recent years, he has devoted much of his time to immigration planning for executive clients, especially in obtaining permanent resident status through the establishment of U.S. subsidiary or affiliate companies. Recognizing his expertise and unique insight in this area, Mr. Chou has been invited to share his experience and views on various media platforms, including answering live call-in questions from the audience.
Mr. Chou is licensed to practice in the State of California and District of Columbia; he is also an active member of the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA).
Upon graduation, Mr. Chou joined a law firm in San Francisco and started honing his legal skills in various practice areas that are most relevant to immigrants, including immigration, business and bankruptcy laws. In 2004, after accumulating extensive experience in these fields, Mr. Chou founded the Law Offices of Jason W. Chou to focus on the practice of business immigration law.
Mr. Chou's clients include multinational corporations, educational institutions and professionals in various fields. The types of cases he regularly handles include nonimmigrant petitions, such as H-1B (specialty occupation professionals), L-1A/B (multinational managers/executives and specialized knowledge workers), E-1/2 (treaty traders/investors), O-1 (workers of extraordinary ability) and TN (Canadian professionals), and immigrant petitions based on labor certification, extraordinary ability and substantial investment. In recent years, he has devoted much of his time to immigration planning for executive clients, especially in obtaining permanent resident status through the establishment of U.S. subsidiary or affiliate companies. Recognizing his expertise and unique insight in this area, Mr. Chou has been invited to share his experience and views on various media platforms, including answering live call-in questions from the audience.
Mr. Chou is licensed to practice in the State of California and District of Columbia; he is also an active member of the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA).
主持律師周文朗於90年代初期自臺灣來美留學;先後取得洛杉磯加州大學(UCLA)及奧勒岡大學法學院(University of Oregon School of Law)學位。在獲得法律博士(J.D.)學位後,周律師隨即加入舊金山一家律師事務所,從事移民,商業及破產法等與移民切身相關的法律業務。在積累了多年的實務經驗後,周律師於2004年開設了至理法律事務所,專精於商務移民法。
周律師的客戶包括了美中臺等各地的中小企業,跨國公司,學校及各領域的專業人士等。承辦的法律業務以商務移民爲主,包括H-1B (專業人士),L-1A/B (跨國公司經理及特別技術人員), E-1/2(互惠國貿易人士及投資業主), O-1 (傑出人才),TN(加拿大專業人士)等非移民工作簽證,及應聘,傑出人才,投資等移民簽證的申辦。近年來更致力於中港臺企業家的投資移民規劃,特別是透過跨國公司的設立來取得美國永久居留權。因爲他在這個領域的豐富經驗及獨到見解,周律師曾多次接受媒體的採訪,並在華語廣播及電視的訪談節目中現場回答僑胞的法律問題。
周律師的客戶包括了美中臺等各地的中小企業,跨國公司,學校及各領域的專業人士等。承辦的法律業務以商務移民爲主,包括H-1B (專業人士),L-1A/B (跨國公司經理及特別技術人員), E-1/2(互惠國貿易人士及投資業主), O-1 (傑出人才),TN(加拿大專業人士)等非移民工作簽證,及應聘,傑出人才,投資等移民簽證的申辦。近年來更致力於中港臺企業家的投資移民規劃,特別是透過跨國公司的設立來取得美國永久居留權。因爲他在這個領域的豐富經驗及獨到見解,周律師曾多次接受媒體的採訪,並在華語廣播及電視的訪談節目中現場回答僑胞的法律問題。
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